Sankalpa - Heartfelt Intention

Morning Sankalpa Meditation

We are born with Buddha nature, so there’s no need to fix anything, but rather to reveal the parts that have been covered over. This meditation helps access that part of you, and from there find your Sankalpa.

To access our Sankalpa we need to get quiet and go beyond the conscious brain. Today we will uncover the part of you that wants to be seen and heard that is already there just waiting for your attention. 

Take your seat, get quiet and comfortable.

Relax your shoulders, your face and let your hips be heavy to the Earth.

Turn your left-hand palm up in line with your heart.

Rock your left hand across your heart like you were rocking a baby.

Swim across the current of your heart and place it, palm up on your right thigh, and place your right hand on top of your left palm down.

Clasp your hands softly and cradle your heart desires.

This is Sankalpa Mudra.

Close your eyes, turning your sight inwards towards your heart.

Soften the space between the eyes back to the spot in the center of the brain the third eye, the seat of all-knowing.

Draw the breath in from both nostrils and feel the convergence at the midbrain as if two streams, become one. See a soft light here; the yogis called this light Jyoti, the supreme radiance within. Let this light soothe your midbrain.

Feel the light expand as if you were swallowing it whole; take it to your heart and let it fill up this area.


What is the message you received?

Find a secret place to hold the words in your heart and repeat them daily. When we set our Sankalpa, each daybreak, we bring more focus and more attention to what it is we need to achieve, thereby redirecting our energy to where it needs to go.

Things will shift for you slowly. The intention will take form as we set it into action with our words, deeds, and thoughts.

Be there to see the change.

Meditation by Gabrielle Harris.


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