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Yoga at the Library

Here in the US, Halloween is both a family-oriented children's holiday and an occasion for those of all ages to creatively express themselves and engage in play in the realm of make-believe and fantasy through costumes, trick-or-treating, storytelling, pranks, and some scary fun.

All over the globe, this time of year is celebrated in different ways with various traditions and festivals, All Hallow's Eve, Dia de Los Muertos, and Samhain. While the origins and celebration rituals vary, traditionally, it's a time for honoring the dead. We can remember and keep our loved ones in many ways: lighting candles, gathering with family and friends, feasting, and holding ceremonies.

In yoga, we can use our physical practice to honor our ancestors or loved ones by dedicating our practice to them. Make time to sit in meditation and conjure up the memory of a great being who has passed. Imagine them sitting in front of you. Tune into their essence and bring them into your heart. Feel the quality of your love for them. Acknowledge how they helped you and loved you. Then send them your gratitude for all you received.

Join us at the Library this Thursday, October 27th, at 6:00 p.m.for a gentle yoga flow in honor of this time of year.

September 29

Yoga at the Library

November 17

Yoga at the Library